Look what's happening at New Beginnings COTLG Avondale!
Please join us at one of the following upcoming events. Have a church or community event that you would like added to the church calendar, please contact us at (513) 818-3052.
Wednesday Noon Prayer
12:00 PM - 11:40 AM
3494 Reading Rd. 45229
It's prayer time for the Avondale Community! We invite to join us in prayer at 12:00 noon behind the Lincoln Statue or wherever you are at that time.
NBCOTLG Worship & Word In-Person and Online
10:00 AM - 12:00 PM
3494 Reading Rd., Cincinnati, OH 45229 or Nbcotlg.org
G.I.F.T. Dance Training
4:00 PM
3494 Reading Rd. Cincinnati, OH 45229
Dance lessons available for kids age 7-17. Training and Preaparing Gifted kids to access the Greatness within.
Wednesday Noon Prayer
12:00 PM - 11:40 AM
3494 Reading Rd. 45229
It's prayer time for the Avondale Community! We invite to join us in prayer at 12:00 noon behind the Lincoln Statue or wherever you are at that time.
NBCOTLG Worship & Word In-Person and Online
10:00 AM - 12:00 PM
3494 Reading Rd., Cincinnati, OH 45229 or Nbcotlg.org
G.I.F.T. Dance Training
4:00 PM
3494 Reading Rd. Cincinnati, OH 45229
Dance lessons available for kids age 7-17. Training and Preaparing Gifted kids to access the Greatness within.
Wednesday Noon Prayer
12:00 PM - 11:40 AM
3494 Reading Rd. 45229
It's prayer time for the Avondale Community! We invite to join us in prayer at 12:00 noon behind the Lincoln Statue or wherever you are at that time.
NBCOTLG Worship & Word In-Person and Online
10:00 AM - 12:00 PM
3494 Reading Rd., Cincinnati, OH 45229 or Nbcotlg.org
G.I.F.T. Dance Training
4:00 PM
3494 Reading Rd. Cincinnati, OH 45229
Dance lessons available for kids age 7-17. Training and Preaparing Gifted kids to access the Greatness within.
Wednesday Noon Prayer
12:00 PM - 11:40 AM
3494 Reading Rd. 45229
It's prayer time for the Avondale Community! We invite to join us in prayer at 12:00 noon behind the Lincoln Statue or wherever you are at that time.
NBCOTLG Worship & Word In-Person and Online
10:00 AM - 12:00 PM
3494 Reading Rd., Cincinnati, OH 45229 or Nbcotlg.org
G.I.F.T. Dance Training
4:00 PM
3494 Reading Rd. Cincinnati, OH 45229
Dance lessons available for kids age 7-17. Training and Preaparing Gifted kids to access the Greatness within.
Wednesday Noon Prayer
12:00 PM - 11:40 AM
3494 Reading Rd. 45229
It's prayer time for the Avondale Community! We invite to join us in prayer at 12:00 noon behind the Lincoln Statue or wherever you are at that time.
NBCOTLG Worship & Word In-Person and Online
10:00 AM - 12:00 PM
3494 Reading Rd., Cincinnati, OH 45229 or Nbcotlg.org
G.I.F.T. Dance Training
4:00 PM
3494 Reading Rd. Cincinnati, OH 45229
Dance lessons available for kids age 7-17. Training and Preaparing Gifted kids to access the Greatness within.